November Club Meeting:
Those in attendance: Brandon, Matt, Cooper, Bill, Bob, Chris
At our October Meeting, we voted to increase in dues to $120 per year per member, which figures out to be $1680 @ 14 Active Members
Here's the breakdown of our monthly expenses:
Rent $100
Liability insurance $35.79
Renters insurance $20
Totals out to be $155.79 monthly ($1869.48 yearly)
Due to the cost of rebuilding our modules and changing the orientation of the layout, we need more money.
14 Members @ $200 per year = $2,800
Motion: Increase dues to $200 yearly for single, Family Memberships would be $250 yearly, this will be only for 2025 For the purchase of the materials for the new modules, then the dues will be revisited and reduced prior to January 2026.
Chris will get an estimate of the cost to build new modules, track, switches, so that we will know where we stand.
Estimated Costs for 2 boxes of Track, and 20 turnouts plus rail connectors, plus wood and foam for modules is roughly $1800.
We have $1403.79 in our bank account. The goal is to retain those funds for structures, and other unforeseen expenses, etc. The above motion doesn't include any structures, etc.
The Motion was seconded by Matt
Motion passed 5-0
Meeting Adjourned
$200 will be due in full at our Annual Meeting on January, 4th, 2025. Dues can be paid for early, and you will be given a receipt - Cash, Check - Payable to Topeka N-Trak or Cash App - $canders8
No Payment plans since we need to purchase everything in January 2025. If you want to pay part of your dues in December 2024, that's fine, but the remaining is due in Jan 2025.
Bob Wright