Meeting May 4, 2024
Those in attendance: Matt, Nathan, Doug, Jeff, Chris, Tristan, Bill, Bob, Cooper, Seth
Old Business:
being re-cut again due to not working out the outside gate switch.
Need to coordinate lunch when operating the layout at the mall, so that there are at least 2 people on the layout
Motion was made by Matt
Seconded by Jeff
Motion passed
New Business:
Rail-Fanning in Emporia:
This will be our first Summer outing
A motion was made that we go to Emporia on June 8 at 8:00AM (this is a Saturday, rail fanning, and eat at Jay’s hamburger)
Will meet at the Mall to car pool, Proceed to Ellinor area, Pioneer Bluffs, Lunch and finish the afternoon in Emporia.
Seconded by Tristan
Motion passed
Layout Issues:
When there is a problem on the layout, besides noting on the log place a push pin where the problem lies
There are 2 tablets to operate the trains with, if the current controllers malfunction, JMRI is on the computer, you can download Engine Driver (Android, Play Store) or Wi-Throttle (Apple, App Store) and then use your phone as a throttle. Connect to the wifi -Topeka N-Trak, password is Trains1!
Please charge the tablets when at the end of the day and plug into the wall. Chargers will be located below the TV.
Motion to Adjourn made by Chris
Seconded by Tristan
Motion Passed
No Club Meeting for June due to Rail-fanning, June 8th.
Next Club Meeting: July 6th @ 9:30AM