March 2024 Minutes
Those in attendance: Ron,Bill,Chris,Tristan,Johnny,Nate,Doug
Chris opened the meeting by stating that we were being evicted for our current location, well that is not really true. Chris has been in touch with the mall people about getting a bigger space. Well that is coming true, we will be moving to the first floor of the mall close to the Furniture Mall Of Kansas. Will be moving to a 5300 sqft space with a 3 year lease or longer, there will be 1000sqft work room. Hope is that we will be all moved in by April 1
Old Business:
Election of offices was had and the same offices remained
Chris- President
Ron – Vice president
Matt- Treasure
Bob – Secretary
501C3 application has been filed with the IRS and awaiting a response a log with a $275 check fee
We were invited to the Lawrence Train show and we took a small layout.
New Business:
Possibility of us doing a train show in the mall is being talked about, the mall is willing to let us use the upper part of the old Burlington Coat Factory for the show, detail to be worked out as to how we would reimburse the mall split the ticket sales 50/50 or 60/40 we would still make money.
Dues – due to the increase size of the store front our rent will go up to $100 per month as opposed to the current rent of $50 per month.
So this breaks down as follows:
Rent $100 (includes electricity,water,trash)
Liability $35(2,000,000)
Renters insurance $20($50,000)
That all comes to a total for a year of around $2000
There was a motion made by Jeff that we increase our dues from $50 per year to $100 per year.
It was seconded by Ron
The motion passed.
Now if you have paid $50 for the year, you would pay another $50 July 1, 2024
We briefly discussed that since we will have a 3 year lease that possible we could construct a 2’X4’ single or double main line with passing siding operation layout against one wall and still have room for our full layout
We were invited to Grand Island Nebraska to a n scale train show/convention set up would be on a Wednesday and run Thursday,Friday,Saturday and come home on Sunday, there is more info need.
If there are any additions or correction, please let me know.
Bob Wright