Meeting held on 4/6/2024
Those in attendance: Matt, Bill, Ron, Doug, Nathan, Johnny, Chris, Tristan, Jeff, Cooper
Old Minutes:
Discuss the by-laws
Motion made to accept the by-laws as written by Jeff
Second by Ron
Motion passed
Chris will send a DocuSign email for all members to sign.
New Business:
Operating hours
Proposed that we operate the layout on the 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month
Motion made by bill that we accept the operating hours as stated
Seconded by Johnny
Motion Passed
There will be a sign-up sheet for club members to indicate which Saturday they must be at the layout to run trains
Motion made by Ron that we accept the proposed change as stated
Seconded by Jeff
Motion passed
Each member will be responsible for paying for a key($7.00), Those that have old keys must turn them in.
The Key only works inside the mall
Name Tags:
Motion made that we have name tags or badges to be worn when operating the layout
Motion made that we accept the change
Motion passed
Club meeting:
We meet on the 1st Saturday of each month at 9:00am
Motion made
Motion passed
Club Shirts:
Club members will wear club shirts when operating the layout
Bob will order new shirts for those that do not have one or want another shirt
Meeting Adjourned