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Those in attendance: Matt,Chris,Tristan,Seth,Ron,Sid,Bob,Bill,Cooper



Old Business -



New Business -

Membership Changes

Doug & Nathan have both resigned

New member- Sid  Cooley

Dues are due Today


Fund raising -  Ron is graciously donating proceeds from the sale of all the pictures on the wall, the price of the photos are marked, will take check or cash


Future fund raising possibilities include:

                              Selling unused train cars, engines, train sets, train whistles,magnets, and other things

                        Matt made the motion to sell small stuff

                        Seconded by Sid

                        Motion passed

Train Show possibility  in April of 2026 using the top floor of the old Montgomery Ward building at the mall

                    It would be a 60-40% split between us and the mall

        Bob made the motion that we continue  exploratory of the train show concept

                    Ron seconded the motion

                    Motion passed


The modules that Doug built will be move back by the dressing rooms, we will remove the light weight corner module as it needs some work and replace with one of the heavy weigh modules


Motion made to adjourn

Motion passed




Bob Wright

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