Questions & Answers
Q. I don’t have a lot of time. Do I have to come to every meeting and show?
A. No. We encourage everyone to participate as much as their schedule will permit, but you are not required to attend every event.
Q. I don’t have a lot of money. What if I can’t afford to buy a lot of engines and cars right now?
A. You don’t have to own any N Scale equipment to join. You can get pieces of equipment as your finances allow. While you are building your inventory you can attend the meetings and join us at the public shows.
Q. It will be some time before I can build a module. Can I still participate in the public shows?
A. Yes. While we encourage every one to build a module, you do not have to build one right away to participate. You can contribute by assisting those with modules in setting them up and taking them down at shows.
If you would like to learn more about the Topeka N-Trak Club please go to the Contact page and drop us a message, or are interested in membership, please fill out the Membership Application clicking here.